Industry Rockstar Live Event Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions form a part of Industry Rockstar apply to any free or unpaid seminar, workshop, webinar, summit or any other online or offline event. Registering for an event, where you check the box that you agree tot he terms and conditions shows you agree fully to the following Terms & Conditions. Herein, the event you are asking to enroll in, regardless of type or format will be referred to as the “Seminar”. In these terms and conditions, all references to “us”, “our” and “we” mean Industry Rockstar.

1. Professional Conduct

You agree that you are enrolling in an educational oriented event that includes other professionals who are attending to learn from the presenters, educators and speakers. You agree to act professionally, courteously and in a positive manor towards all attendees, staff, presenters or any other category of participant in the events. Any acts deemed offensive, inappropriate or potentially unfriendly to any persons involved in the event will result in your immediate removal from the event and exclusion from participating in future events with any Industry Rockstar brand. You further more agree to not inappropriately provoke or interrupt the process in anyway. 

2. Intellectual Property
All material relating to the Seminar for which you are enrolling whether presented during, before or after the Seminar, is subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The copyright in all such materials remains the property of their owners and may not be recorded, used or reproduced, without the written permission of the copyright owner. You agree not, at any time, to do anything that would infringe the intellectual property rights in such materials. Recording the events in any fashion is not allowed, and you agree to neither record the event nor distribute the event without the express written permission of Industry Rockstar AND the IP holder of the material. 

3. Financial Information Disclaimer
Any financial information presented at this event is prepared and presented as entertainment and information only. Industry Rockstar makes no representation and gives no warranty to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided at or in relation to this event and does not accept responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in, or omissions from, the information contained herein. The information provided during or in relation to the event is for general purposes only and it does not purport to be comprehensive or to render specific advice. The information provided during or in relation to the event should not be regarded as financial advice. If any information or advice that may constitute financial advice is given at or in relation to an event, such financial advice is not authorized or endorsed by Industry Rockstar and does not constitute financial advice given by Industry Rockstar. This disclaimer does not purport to exclude any warranties implied by law which may not be lawfully excluded.

4. Education & Entertainment Disclaimer
Any materials or education given by the speakers during the event are merely used for awareness and entertainment purposes. You agree that your participation in this event is to engage in the entertainment and education only from a viewer perspective. The material at this event is not intended to be any sort of consulting, coaching or advising to you. If you chose to use any of the techniques or education presented at this event, you do so at your own risk of the impact it may have on your business or life. You agree to hold harmless Industry Rockstar and all speakers, educators or trainers you see at this event in regards to any information you hear and decide to use in your own business or life. You agree that the presentations are all for education and entertainment and are in no way intended to be strategies to implement into your business without the analysis and assessment of a private consultant to make sure they are the right strategies for you and for your business. You agree that anything you do in your business is your responsibility and you will not hold Industry Rockstar accountable for any results you create by choosing to action any techniques you hear about in the seminar.

5. Photos & Videos at Live events
From time to time at Industry Rockstar live events Professional Photography and/or Videography will be used to capture the event. You agree that your participation in any Industry Rockstar event might result in you being capture in a photo or video. You hereby give Industry Rockstar the full right to use your likeness in any photo or video that we choose for marketing campaigns with no further responsibility for clearing the rights of use of that picture or video with you, even though your image of likeness might be captured in the photo or video.

6. General
The laws of the state of Arizona govern this agreement. Should any part of this agreement be determined by a court to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement will be unaffected. This agreement may not be varied except with the written approval of a director of Industry Rockstar. All terms, conditions and warranties implied by statute that are excludable are excluded from this agreement. Such terms, conditions and warranties implied by statute that are not excludable are not excluded from this agreement but our liability for breach of such conditions and warranties implied by statute that are not excludable is limited to the total amount paid by you to Industry Rockstar under this agreement.

Contact Us
If we can be of any assistance to you or if you have any issues with any of the terms and conditions, our contact details are:

Industry Rockstar, LLC

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