Jill Lublin is a popular international speaker who teaches powerful publicity, networking, and how to be influential techniques. As the CEO of the strategic consulting firm, Promising Promotion, Jill has trained companies in innovative techniques to improve bottom line results.

Kane recently spoke to Jill about her recommendations and tips for business owners and authors who are looking to promote their books after they’ve been published.
The Basics of Promoting Your Book
If you really want to create hype around your book, you should be promoting it way before it’s even published. Keep in mind that many big magazines work 9 – 12 months in advance so depending on your target audience, aim to have a 3, 6, and 9-month promotional plan.
If you’re going the self-publishing route, you’re still going to need a team to support you but it also means that you’re going to have greater control of your book. Having publicity and distribution experts that you can turn to will play an integral role in the success of your book.
It’s important for you to continuously grow your platform before and after your book has been published to ensure that you’re creating as much as awareness as possible on an ongoing basis.
Regardless of whether you’re with a publisher or you’re a self-published author, platform and publicity are key and you will be responsible for your book’s publicity either way. How involved you are is the only thing that will vary.
Tips on How to Start Getting More Publicity for Your Book
- Create a really great article. Every author or business owner should have a really great article of around 500 words that doesn’t contain any jargon and that really helps people. Now put this article everywhere you can.
- Write regular blog posts. If you don’t already have a blog, it helps to create one and if you do, it’s vitally important that you’re blogging on a regular basis.
- Update your social media pages. When people visit your social media pages they should be seeing regular activity if you want to show your audience that you’re engaged and that others care about what you have to say. Make sure that you’re posting great content and not just promoting yourself.
The “No Money in Books” Myth
Many people believe that there is no money in books and that taking the time to write and promote a book is no longer worthwhile but just how true is this?
Jill explains that you can still make money from books but often it’s how you use that money that will make the process feel more rewarding. A great way to make your book money go the extra mile is to reinvest a percentage in additional promotional activities in order to broaden your reach. This is especially true if you’re writing a book as a business owner in order to create more awareness about your brand to get more consulting and speaking engagements in the long run.
Having the right knowledge when it comes to successfully promoting and distributing a book can make the publishing process a lot easier and more affordable and promoting your book is not as difficult as you might think, it just takes a little preparation, planning, and consistency.
For more expert advice on marketing your business, attend one of the Kane and Alessia’s Industry Rockstar events.